Does it cost more to run central heat or central air?

Even in many energy-efficient homes or homes that keep up with air conditioning repairs, winter heating costs can sometimes be nearly double the operating costs of air conditioning. Anyone who has paid an impressive energy bill in the middle of winter or an air conditioning bill in summer has probably wondered which system costs more to operate. Whether your home has long, cold winters or scorching summers (or both), One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning can help you control your energy costs. However, homeowners in warmer states, such as Florida, Mississippi, Texas and Arizona, spend more per year on air conditioning than on heating.

Even if a home in a warm state pays more for air conditioning than for heating, it's still getting a better deal. Yes, heating your home costs more than cooling it down, although homeowners in warm climates spend more on air conditioning, as they use air conditioning for much longer during the year and the heating system much less frequently.

Cohen Roy
Cohen Roy

Hardcore beer nerd. General bacon geek. Typical zombieaholic. Evil social media fanatic. Friendly social media practitioner.